1. When people ask me how many kids i have and i say 2, i feel sooooo guilty like i am forgetting about my ANGEL GAUGE!
2. I once broke down a door (trailer house door) to get to my sister Lori...
3. heyyyy don't judge, she was ALWAYS chasing me around the house with a knife...
4. I got my hand stuck in an old time ring washer...instead of hitting release i hit stop...almost tore my finger off! I got yelled at the whole way to the dr by siblings father :p
5. This one time at girls camp...Steph and i went into the bathroom and stole one of the leaders clothes and hung them on a tree just outside of the bathroom....good times!!!!
6. soooo because of that...i had a "stripper" (was bevs hairdresser) show up at my place of bizzzness he tried to kiss my cheek and told me..."paybacks are a bitch" hehe more good times.
7. I thought Harrison Ford was a President. whatttt it was an innocent mistake!
8. My uncles tried to tell me that the dirt was red back east because of the blood shed form the wars...YES I BELIEVED THEM!!
9. I had to pull over one time because Mandy was screaming at the top of her lungs cause Wendy and I were singing vanilla ice ice baby to gooo....we were laughing so hard i thought i was going to crash AND pee my pants!
10. Josh informed my kids the other night (no i was not with them) that I HIT EVERY BRANCH ON THE DORK TREE ON MY WAY DOWN!!!
11. Ok so Wendy and I decide we are going on a road trip to Az to visit her father...by the time we get there, we are HOT, TIRED, LOST, FRUSTRATED, YOU NAME IT THATS WHAT WE WERE...specially when we were in formed that he was going to make us be in by 7:30 the whole time we are there...BS...im 21 im doin what i want! I HAD BEEN CRYING, TRIED TO MAKE A FUNNY, STUCK 2 PEANUT M&M's UP MY NOSE...i will find that pic and post it...
12. After 9 years i still want to pick up the phone to call my mom and talk to her!
13. In my young and stupid days...we used to sleep in the front yard by the big pine tree with knives under our pillows cause we lived in the Ghetto.
14. Was once told that there was a coke shack on the top of Timp for the people who hiked up there to have snacks before they came back down...me being as gullable as i am asked how they got the stuff up there....right about that time, a small airplane flies over the top...THANKS GUYS!!!
15. I HATE spiders, and have made my kids hate them as well!!!
16. I used to drive a mint green truck with pink and purple stripes...so cute!!!
17. My biological father looked a lot like Micheal Landon.
18. I never met my father before he passed away, but we talked on the phone almost every week for 2 yrs...now he is with my mom :)
19. I broke my foot falling off of a step leaving work...and YES someone saw...a truck full of guys! kill me now....
20. I take my 13 yr old and his friends Toilet papering.
21. I fell in a huge pile of cow poo in the 3rd grade.
22. Josh and I used to be sooooo shy in school, yet Hunter is just the opposite, class clown lots of friends...etc
23. 3rd grade, cigarette butt, shed...thats all you need to know :P blahhhhhhhhhhh
24. I am a sucker when is comes to my kidlets!
25. I HATE to cook, would love it if someone would do it for me and i would rather clean the mess!
27. I have this huge fear that if you pull on my thumb or big toe it will pop out of socket and fall off!!!
Say What?
11 years ago